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News & Mass Media

Digi24 - Editia de Dimineata - 'How ideea of the National Cathedral showed up ?'

May 2, 2021
Our Principal, Mr. Arch. Constantin Amâiei, gave an interview to Mr. Lucian Mîndruță from Digi24 tv channel, regarding National Cathedral Project.

"I was born in Targu Neamt, among monasteries. It probably wasn't accidental ...”

Constantin Amaiei - Digi 24
You can read an article, based on interview, translated in English with Google Translate

Evenimentul Zilei - 'Constantin Amaiei, the Architect of God'

August 13, 2019
Mr. Arch. Constantin Amâiei, gave an interview to Mr. Andi Miron, journalist at Evenimantul Zilei, a nation-wide newspaper.

"Certainly, the experience with the Cathedral of Bacau helped us. The concept in Bucharest National Cathedral is very similar to the one in Bacău. There were too many similarities, it was very easy for us to take over certain things we did there, but on a larger scale, in Bucharest”

Constantin Amaiei - Evenimentul Zilei
You can read the article translated in English with Google Translate

Bacau.Net - How downtown of Bacau might look like

February 20, 2015
An article about urban planning proposal of Mr. Arch. Doru Anghel and Mr. Arch. Constantin Amâiei, regarding the restructuring of Downtown area of Bacau.